Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And then the trials come....

My mother's favorite saying is "Faith and Patience"  It's not one of those things she's said all of her life, just something relatively new within the past few years.  Who knew that after creating my blog and agonizing over what it should be called yesterday, that I would be faced with a trail, to test my faith and my patience.

Consider it pure joy,my brothers & sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature & complete,not lacking anything.James 1:2-4

While in the midst of this trial, it is by far challenging to consider it pure joy.  However, even in the past 14 hours that my husband decided to leave the house, I have chosen to find joy in this trial. 

Joy wasn't easy to find at first.  In the aftermath of the initial fight, and he walked out the door, he left his phone.  I decided to put away laundry and in the middle of that, his mother came in the house.  Now, she didn't know about the fight, however, I matter-of-factly stated that we were arguing and he left.  He called her from where he was, and she took his phone to him.  My mother-in-law has been very good about staying neutral in these types of situations, which not every one could, rather would, do.

I kept very busy, even while trying to have a "grown up" conversation on the phone.  Then the kids came home.  Now, my husband usually works late, so it was no surprise to them to come home and Daddy not be there.  I was hoping to find JOY in my children.  However, at that particular moment, that was not the case.  Owen threw a FIT, over what I really don't know, but it was bed time and he didn't want to go to bed...and he "wanted to tell Poppa something" I knew that because he shouted that about fify times in a demonic voice for about twenty minutes which caused my little girl to become upset as well. 

So, by 7:45 kids were in bed and I had logged on for my Master's Class online...took my final, submitted it, and fell asleep on the couch.  I woke up at midnight, made my way up the stairs and to the bed.

That was the first shimmer of joy.  My bed.  I like my bed. It is very comfortable.  My husband doesn't agree, but such is life.  I laid down and fell asleep with a shimmer of joy that no one would be stealing my covers...

4am.  A second sighting of joy, when my son decided to get up and go looking for a cup of water, turning all the lights on upstairs.  I quickly got up, got him a cup of water, turned off the lights, let him drink and pulled him up in the bed with me. 

4:30am O was up again wanting more water.  I drearily got up and gave him some more water.  And then more joy.  He says, "Thank you for the water, Mommy.  I love you so much.  You are so helpful."  MORE JOY!

Somewhere in between a couple calls and a couple texts from schools wanting me to come in and sub...Addy decided to come crawl in the bed.  Normally, Addy bypasses me for Daddy or Owen, but she did give me a quick hug and told me "love you" so there you have, MORE JOY.

We all proceeded to get up, get dressed, and be off on our merry way to daycare, Grandmomma's, Ms. Amy's, so that Mommy could go to work. 

Owen got to spend a few minutes with Grandmomma (and Princess Kate Kate) this morning.  That boy loves his Grandmomma and she loves him.  It is definately a joyous sight to see. 

So the day has started and I have no idea where it will lead.  I am hopint that this trail ends with me being "complete and not lacking in anything" as James tells us in the Bible. 

This BLOG definately hasn't started out as I had envisioned, but it's a start nonetheless.  I wanted to document my life and keep track of funny and interesting things that happen on a daily basis.  While not funny or necessarily interesting, it is a part of my life and I decided to include it on the blog.  Thanks for listenting...

Faith and Patience

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