Thursday, March 3, 2011

There may be pain in the night, but joy comes in the morning...

While these are lyrics to one of my favorite songs, they are also words referenced in Psalm 30:4-5

 4 Sing the praises of the LORD, you his faithful people;
   praise his holy name.
5 For his anger lasts only a moment,
   but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
   but rejoicing comes in the morning.

Here's the YOU TUBE Link to hear the song:

So yesterday I filled my day with a lunch "Connection Cafe" with other women of the church and Connect Group while the kids attended KidzPoint, thier connect group.  One of the discussions we had at CG was about where we were in our spiritual walk.  Now, did I WANT to admit to other people I was slacking?  Of course not.  But, it boils down to honesty.  I'm not where I should be.  Do I make time for God?  Sure.  Do I pray?  Most days, I say those quick "help so and so...." when I see someone in need.  I do have a prayer journal that I have written in, however, I'm not THAT good with keeping it with me.  I think it needs to have a new home in my car or something?  But as I talked about yesterday, I have become convicted that God wants me to sit down and communicate.  I struggle with that because I know he knows my heart and saying it out loud or even in my head seems a little strange.  What I forget most days is that HE is my Heavenly Father, and the communication has to be from me to him through prayer and me reading his response in the Bible. 

So...Working on PRAYER!!!  Speaking of...I know a lot of you have been praying for me and I appreciate it.  Wes did come over last night to talk.  Well, he talked, I listened and I think God is working in his life.  But htat is between him and God.  He apologized for his choices and we will see where it goes...we BOTH have some things to work on. 

Coupled with prayer, is worship.  Now, this is my favorite thing to do.  I love listening to worship music and I feel that is where my praise and glorifying HIM come from.  I could listen to songs over and over and sing out to my God.  When I listen to music, it puts whatever frustration I am feeling on the back burner...I can focus on the music.  Sometimes, the songs help me to rememeber I am not the only one going through trials, but even in the midst of my trials I can praise him.

Another one of my favorite songs "Desert Song" and I love it when Serah and Susan sing it at church.  I find myself to cling to those words "All of my life, in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing. I have a reason to worship." "I will rejoice. I will declare. God is my victory and he is here."  So powerful!

Thanks for listening! 

Faith and Patience

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